March 21, 2025
The calendar says it's Spring, but our Michigan weather isn't quite sure!
Being a lifetime Michigan resident, I should be used to Mother Michigan's mood swings, but, man, I would just love some nice, even and sunny 70 degree days!
Luckily, these little guys know it will be beautiful out sooner than later!
March 14, 2025
Sometimes you just have to get some organizing and cleaning done!
Spring cleaning, some would say.
This masterpiece was created, then organized and put away within a day, and now I feel so much better!
March 7, 2025
The first featured staff birthday of the year is Amy, pictured here with her pony Payday.
Amy works behind the scenes, working on death certificates, writing obituaries, she is also in charge of media, (she is writing this feature right now... awkward), as well as cleaning, and filling in wherever she is needed. Amy has been with the Henry M. Malburg Funeral Home since 2016. In her time before working at the HMFH, Amy earned one Associate Degree and two Bachelors Degrees, and would prefer not to go back to school again for any more.
When she is not working, Amy enjoys reading, writing, and art, gardening, playing with her animals, being outside, and time at the barn with her horse; though she most enjoys spending time with her daughter.
The next Featured Birthdays will be in April!
February 28, 2025
Henry has always been an avid supporter of 4H.
He grew up farming, himself, so he knows all the work it takes for these kids to get their animals ready to sell.
Enjoy this throwback picture from 1996!
February 21, 2025
We are doing something new!
Project Memory Wall (working title) is in full swing. This week, we chose a paint color, taped off the wall (Mark and Amy),
and painted (Jo) what will be the background of our finished piece.
The picture doesn't do it justice... It is a few shades lighter than black.
We feel like it will work well with our vision!
February 14, 2025
Unless you were out of town, or possibly living underneath a rock, you may have noticed that we recently received a bit of snow in our area of the state (and beyond).
Though extremely pretty to look at (see pictures below!), it can cause a lot of problems when you receive extreme amounts such as these.
If you are not a farmer, worried about the effects of broken branches, or a business, who needs a clear parking lot, or anyone who needs to get to work, or get to the store, enjoy your snow days! The meteorologists are predicting more this weekend!!
(Also, Happy Valentine's Day!)
February 7, 2025
Into the first week of February, we found that there was an issue with everyone's Obituary Notifications. We contacted our Website Management and they were able to remedy the situation.
What had happened was, when we switched over to a new website company, the former company did not transfer over the bulk of our Obituary Subscribers. That means that many (thousands!) of people were not receiving their notifications as they should be.
Thankfully, this is all taken care of, and everyone should be receiving their notifications.
If for some reason you are not receiving them, please contact us and we will make sure you are subscribed.
Thank you to everyone for your patience,
Henry, Mark, Amy, and Jodeen
January 31, 2025
It is hard to believe that we have already made it to the end of January... And it's raining. This is the classic "Michigan Weather" that we Michiganders enjoy so much, especially after a snow storm, then a week of almost record-breaking cold temperatures.
On the last day of the first month of the year, is a good enough time as any to reflect on what was accomplished from January 1st to today. We have a few things, how about you?
During this month, we have put the finishing touches on our new website. If you have gotten to this page, and are reading it. Congratulations! You have already noticed all of the changes we have made. It is a stark contrast to our old setup, and much easier to navigate. We have also gotten on the Instagram bandwagon, and it has been fun to explore what we can do with the app. Follow us, and we will follow you back at malburgfh . The third thing, our memory wall, is in progress... we have so many great ideas of what that space could be, and collecting items along the way has been a fun trip down memory lane, for sure!
On to February! We are ready!
January 24, 2025
We are officially under construction...
We have been gathering things to add to our new Memory Wall (working title).
This wall will be where we are able to share some of the history and historical items from the funeral home in years past. For people who have only recently visited us, it may be hard to believe what the building and business used to be.
From 1985 to 2025... 40 years of memories!
January 17, 2025
We recently joined the many people and businesses who have an Instagram account.
We would love it if you followed us! We will follow you back.
Find us at: malburgfh on Instagram!
January 10, 2025
We deal a lot in details here.
If you wander through the building, you will find small representations here and there that show who we are, and what it means to be a family owned and run business. You don't thrive in a business like this for 40 years by ignoring the details.
This piece of marble is one of the small details that you will find displayed throughout the building. If you look closely, you will notice that the horse (mule) drawn hearse is personalized with a "Malburg Funeral Home" plaque in the window.
January 3, 2025
For the new year, it appears that many people make New Year's Resolutions.
At three days into the new year, have you made any intentional, positive changes in your day-to-day life?
It is said that small, gradual steps are the easiest to maintain in the long term, though that isn't always what people tend to do.
The "New Year, New Me" adage of making many changes at once tend toward the crash that many feel a few days/weeks/months later when the huge resolutions become unsustainable.
My hope for you this new year, is to give yourself grace. Recognize that whatever changes are made in this year of 2025, that you attempted them, a new beginning, and that is brave in and of itself.
And honestly, if you came into the New Year as yourself, and feel good about that, you are perfect as you are, and it doesn't matter what date it is. Self love is transcendent.
December 27, 2024
This will be our last post of 2024.
During this time, many people tend to reflect upon the year, what went well, what did not, events, milestones, firsts, lasts... the list goes on.
For everyone reading this, I hope the positive outweighed the negative, the good outweighed the bad, and if positivity did not win the year in 2024, 2025 can be a fresh start.
Enjoy some beautiful pictures of our saltwater fish tank.
December 20, 2024
On a day with similar weather as today, this picture was taken of the Funeral Home before it was a funeral home.
Take a close look, and you will see the similarities.
So much has changed over the years, but if you study the windows, you can see a bit of what the building looks like today.
To post memories you may have about the building as it was many years ago, head to our
Facebook page!
December 13, 2024
Enjoying the season's beauty
December 6, 2024
November 22, 2024
The Christmas tree is up! The building is almost ready for the holidays.
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